Welcome to the Rewards Through Resilience website! It is great to have you here and appreciate your interest in finding out more about the book. I began writing Rewards Through Resilience in 2021, shortly after my retirement from Intel Corporation. Reflecting back, I’ve had a full life incorporating many different challenges, struggles and blessings, resulting in richly rewarding outcomes. Along my life journey, I’ve acquired a number of deeply meaningful insights that I felt called to share with others with the intent of enabling them to make the most of their experiences as they navigate their own path forward.
Life is complex and filled with challenges. Although we endeavor to experience the comforts and fruits of our labors, we also realize that perhaps life is not meant to be easy. The challenges we face are compounded by living in a postmodern and uncertain world. How do we make sense of it all? Is there something in our own lives that compels us toward a particular destination?
The key point is that we can gain fulfillment in our lives not in spite of the challenges, struggles, and uncertainties we face but as a result of them. Embracing this relationship is where change can occur that propels us toward becoming the best version of ourselves while making a meaningful difference in the lives of others… all through the personal choices that we make.
Strap in and prepare for an engaging read and personal change toward greater life resilience, rewards and fulfillment.